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Testing the USB, Midi, Sync, CV and Audio Connections

Testing the USB

  1. Power the IO board, but don't connect it to the main board
  2. Plug in the USB into a computer.
    • If you are using Windows, The computer should detect a "Serial ↔ USB" chip and request a driver.
    • If you are using OSX or Linux, …. WorkOnMe
  3. Download the driver from FTDI. (a mirror for the Windows XP/2k driver is on this site here: Make sure to grab the VCP driver. Install it. Verify that a new COM port is created (under Windows, look under hardware control panel)

Testing everything else

Everything else should just work. But if you are having problems, here are some detailed testing instructions.

Midi and Din Sync



Audio testing is simple. Plug a jack into your x0x0b0x, and the other jack into your mixer, or an amplifier, and away you go. One (or both) jacks don't work, it is almost surely a problem with either the Headphone amplifier or the Mixer section.

CV and Gate

/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/x0x/midisynctesting.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)