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Firmware Development

The Heavy Duty Option

One option for firmware development (on windows) is to install WinAvr and Eclipse. Eclipse is a rather large, but featurefull IDE. It is also excellent for Java Programming (if you want to work on the BootLoader), and quite probably has a python package as well.

  1. Install Eclipse from
  2. Install the C/C++ Development Tools
  3. Install WinAVR from
  4. Install make from somewhere. Microsoft distributes a version i think. I Prefer Cygwin. Ming is another option.
  5. Launch Eclipse
  6. Goto Window → Perspectives → Other and select C/C++
  7. Right click on the project window and select Import → CVS Project
  8. enter in for server, /cvsroot/x0xb0x for cvsroot
  9. goto Project Properties→ C/C++ Make Project → Discovery Options → Compiler Invocation Command → C:\WinAVR\bin\avr-gcc.exe
  10. While you're still in the C/C++ Make Project properties sheet, goto the "Make Builder" tab, deselect "use default" in "Build Command", and point that to your make command.
  11. Select the environment tab, and add a new environmnet variable "PATH", set it to $PATH$;<winavr path>;<make path>
  12. With any luck, once you click okay, the project should start building.

Development On Debian Linux

These instructions should get you up and running under Debian GNU/Linux or similar environments (Ubuntu, etc).

  1. apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc make cvs
  2. cvs login (hit enter for password)
  3. cvs -z3 co -P firmware
  4. cd firmware/
  5. make

Development On Gentoo Linux

These instructions will set up a dev environment under Gentoo GNU/Linux, as of 2006.0 or so

  1. emerge crossdev
  2. crossdev -t avr (this takes a while)
  3. emerge cross-avr/avr-libc ; emerge dev-embedded/avr-libc ; emerge cvs
  4. cvs login (hit enter for password)
  5. cvs -z3 co -P firmware
  6. cd firmware/
  7. make

Development On Mac OS X

  1. downlaod and install the avrmacpack
  2. cvs login (hit enter for password)
  3. cvs -z3 co -P firmware
  4. cvs -z3 co -P c0ntr0l
  5. cd firmware/
  6. make
  7. download pySerial 2.4 and extract it, go into the created folder and type:
  8. python install
  9. Now change into the c0ntr0l folder and start the c0ntr0l application to upload the firmware
  10. Connect your x0xb0x via USB, switch the Mode Button to Bootload and then power up your x0x
  11. chage to the c0ntr0l folder and type
  12. python
  13. The GUI should appear, in the Menu choose: Serial → Port → /dev/usbserial-??????
  14. In the Menu: x0xbox → upload Firmware; choose the file x0xb0x.hex from your firmware folder
  15. Power off your x0x, switch to any ohter mode, power it on again and enjoy the new firmware


/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/x0x/firmwaredevelopment.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)