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tutorials:learn:sensors:thermistor.html [2011/06/07 19:17]
daigo created
tutorials:learn:sensors:thermistor.html [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
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-Thermistors have some benefits over other kinds of temperature sensors such as analog output chips ([[http://​​temp36.html|LM35/​TMP36]]) or digital temperature sensor chips (DS18B20) or[[http://​​thermocouple.html| thermocouples]]. ​+Thermistors have some benefits over other kinds of temperature sensors such as analog output chips ([[http://​​learn/sensors/​temp36.html|LM35/​TMP36]]) or digital temperature sensor chips (DS18B20) or[[http://​​learn/sensors/​thermocouple.html| thermocouples]]. ​
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   *They work at any voltage (digital sensors require 3 or 5V logic). ​   *They work at any voltage (digital sensors require 3 or 5V logic). ​
   *Compared to a thermocouple,​ they don't require an amplifier to read the minute voltages - you can use any microcontroller to read a thermistor. ​   *Compared to a thermocouple,​ they don't require an amplifier to read the minute voltages - you can use any microcontroller to read a thermistor. ​
-  *They can also be incredibly accurate for the price. For example, the 10K 1% thermistor in the shop is good for measuring with ±0.1°C accuracy! (Assuming you have an accurate enough analog converter)+  *They can also be incredibly accurate for the price. For example, the 10K 1% thermistor in the shop is good for measuring with ±0.25°C accuracy! (Assuming you have an accurate enough analog converter)
   *They are difficult to break or damage - they are much simpler and more reliable   *They are difficult to break or damage - they are much simpler and more reliable
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 Even if you do use a microcontroller or complex system, for the price you can't beat 'em! Even if you do use a microcontroller or complex system, for the price you can't beat 'em!
 +<class center>
 +**[[http://​​products/​372|You can pick up a 10K 1% waterproof thermistor in the Adafruit shop]]**
 +==== Some Stats ====
 +[[http://​​products/​372|Here are technical details for the thermistor in our shop]]
 +    * **Resistance at 25°C:** 10K ±1%
 +    * **B25/50:** 3950 ±1%
 +    * **Thermal time constant** <= 15 seconds
 +    * **Thermistor temperature range** -55°C to 125°C
 +    * **Wire temperature range** -55°C to 105°C
 +    * **28 AWG PVC Wire**
 +    * **Diameter: 3.5mm/​0.13in**
 +    * **Length: 18in/45cm**
 +    * [[http://​​datasheets/​103_3950_lookuptable.pdf|Resistance/​Temperature table]]
 +Note that even though the thermistor can go up to 125°C the cable itself maxes out at 105°C so this thermistor is not good for measuring very very hot liquids
 +====Testing your thermistor====
 +Because thermistors are simply resistors, its easy to test it out. Simply measure the resistance using a multimeter:
 [[http://​​images/​sensors/​thermistormeasure.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​thermistormeasure_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x356 ​ |}}]] [[http://​​images/​sensors/​thermistormeasure.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​thermistormeasure_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x356 ​ |}}]]
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 Say the fixed resistor is **10K** and the variable resistor is called **R** - the voltage output (**Vo**) is: Say the fixed resistor is **10K** and the variable resistor is called **R** - the voltage output (**Vo**) is:
 +<class center>
 **Vo = R / (R + 10K) * Vcc** **Vo = R / (R + 10K) * Vcc**
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 Now we want to connect it up to a microcontroller. Remember that when you measure a voltage (**Vi**) into an Arduino ADC, you'll get a number. Now we want to connect it up to a microcontroller. Remember that when you measure a voltage (**Vi**) into an Arduino ADC, you'll get a number.
 +<class center>
 **ADC value = Vi * 1023 / Vcc ** **ADC value = Vi * 1023 / Vcc **
 So now we combine the two (**Vo** = **Vi**) and get: So now we combine the two (**Vo** = **Vi**) and get:
 +<class center>
 ADC value = ** R / (R + 10K) * Vcc * 1023 / Vcc** ADC value = ** R / (R + 10K) * Vcc * 1023 / Vcc**
 What is nice is that if you notice, the Vcc value cancels out! What is nice is that if you notice, the Vcc value cancels out!
 +<class center>
 ADC value = ** R / (R + 10K) *  1023** ADC value = ** R / (R + 10K) *  1023**
 It doesn'​t matter what voltage you're running under. Handy! It doesn'​t matter what voltage you're running under. Handy!
 Finally, what we really want to do is get that **R** (the unknown resistance). So we do a little math to move the **R** to one side: Finally, what we really want to do is get that **R** (the unknown resistance). So we do a little math to move the **R** to one side:
 +<class center>
 **R = 10K / (1023/ADC - 1)** **R = 10K / (1023/ADC - 1)**
 Great, lets try it out. Connect up the thermistor as shown: Great, lets try it out. Connect up the thermistor as shown:
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/tutorials/learn/sensors/thermistor.html.1307474253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)