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tutorials:products:usbdcsolarlipo:solarprep.html [2011/07/01 20:32]
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tutorials:products:usbdcsolarlipo:solarprep.html [2016/01/28 18:05]
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-==== Solar charging - Installing the Capacitor ​ ==== 
-The first thing to do before starting to charge with a solar panel is to install the large filtering capacitor. This capacitor is necessary to stabilize the panel a little, and since we're going to charge with a lot of current, the capacitor needs to be pretty big. There is a spot on the PCB for the capacitor, you can of course install it directly there by soldering the wires of the capacitor into the pads. 
-**Make sure to check the polarity of the capacitor, make sure the positive lead of the capacitor goes into the pad marked +!** 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​bigcap.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​bigcap_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x390 ​ |}}]] 
-If you're low on space, you can solder wires to the capacitor and then install it a little farther away. Just remember to use heatshrink to keep the capacitor legs from shorting. If you want you can bend the capacitor over a bit as well, but dont have it touch the hot charging chip (the black square in the middle of the PCB)! 
-Next you will have to connect up your solar panel. Panels sometimes come '​bare'​ (no wires), with just wires, or with a connector of some sort. You may need to splice a connector onto the panel to match the 4mm DC jack on the adapter. 
-==== Solar panels - Splice or adapt? ​ ==== 
-The first verison of the solar charger comes with a 4mm DC barrel jack on it. We also provide a 5.5mm->​4mm converter cable. So you can do one of two things 
-  *Connect a [[http://​​products/​369|2.1mm Terminal Block Adapter]] onto the panel using basic wires, then plug that into the 2.1mm adapter. This is the fastest method, but not as rugged 
-  *Cut the adapter cable in half and splice the 4mm connector onto the panel. This is the most '​elegant'​ method - the panel will plug right into the board but its more work. 
-For both methods you'll need to remove any existing connector. Cut off whatever connector is on 
-[[http://​​images/​solarlipo/​cutconnector.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​solarlipo/​cutconnector_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]] 
-Gently remove the outer casing without nipping the inner wires 
-[[http://​​images/​solarlipo/​strippanel.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​solarlipo/​strippanel_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]] 
-[[http://​​images/​solarlipo/​solarstripped.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​solarlipo/​solarstripped_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x384 ​ |}}]] 
-Strip and tin the inner wires 
-[[http://​​images/​solarlipo/​solarstrip2.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​solarlipo/​solarstrip2_r.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]] 
-[[http://​​images/​solarlipo/​solartin.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​solarlipo/​solartin_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]] 
-==== Method 1  ==== 
-For this you'll need a [[http://​​products/​369|2.1mm Terminal Block Adapter]] but its really simple. Just open up the screw terminals, slide the red wire into the + hole and the black wire into the - hole and retighten! Now you can just plug it directly into the adapter cable. 
-{{  http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​21mmterm_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x417 ​ |}} 
-==== Method 2  ==== 
-This method is a little tougher, but results in a nicer cable. You'll need some heatshrink as well as some item with a 2.1mm DC barrel plug (like the 2.1mm adapter) 
-Cut off anything on the opposite end 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​deconnect.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​deconnect_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x351 ​ |}}]] 
-And carefully strip off the outer sheath 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solarstripping.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solarstripping_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x385 ​ |}}]] 
-You'll want some longer wires on this side, maybe 1.5" (3-4 cm) 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solarsheath.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solarsheath_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x425 ​ |}}]] 
-Strip just the ends of the wires and tin them 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solarstrip.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solarstrip_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x327 ​ |}}]] 
-Place a big piece of heatshrink onto the cable, and then two shorter and smaller pieces on each of the wires 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solartinned.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​solartinned_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x272 ​ |}}]] 
-Solder red to red and black to black, keep the heatshrink away from your soldering iron since it may shrink too fast! 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​jig.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​jig_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x362 ​ |}}]] 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​splice.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​splice_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x415 ​ |}}]] 
-After the solder cools off, pull the smaller shrink onto the wires and heatshrink them! 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​minisolarshrink.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​minisolarshrink_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x277 ​ |}}]] 
-Then pull the big piece over everything! 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​bigheatshrink.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​bigheatshrink_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x273 ​ |}}]] 
-And heatshrink it (with a hot air gun if you have one, or carefully with a lighter if you don't) 
-[[http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​shrinking.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​shrinking_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x336 ​ |}}]] 
-That's it! Check with a multimeter, in the sun, to verify that you have a open circuit voltage on the plug 
-{{  http://​​images/​usbdcsolarlipo/​done_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x309 ​ |}} 
-  ​ 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/tutorials/products/usbdcsolarlipo/solarprep.html.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)