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tutorials:learn:sensors:tilt.html [2010/10/07 19:38]
tutorials:learn:sensors:tilt.html [2016/01/28 18:05] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====  ==== 
-[[http://​​images/​sensors/​tiltcutaway.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​tiltcutaway_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x376 ​ |}} \\ ]]//Cutaway of rolling-ball type tilt sensor// 
-[[http://​​images/​sensors/​merc.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​merc_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x376 ​ |}} \\ ]]//Mercury type tilt sensor//+[[ http://​​images/​sensors/​tiltcutaway.jpg |{{  http://​​images/​sensors/​tiltcutaway_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x376 ​ |}}]] 
 +//Cutaway of rolling-ball type tilt sensor// 
 +[[http://​​images/​sensors/​merc.jpg|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​merc_t.jpg?​nolink&​500x376 ​ |}}]] 
 +//Mercury type tilt sensor//
Line 56: Line 58:
 ==== Project examples ​ ==== ==== Project examples ​ ====
-<object width="​425"​ height="​344"​><param name="​movie"​ value="​http://​​hl=en&​fs=1&"></​param><​param name="​allowFullScreen"​ value="​true"></​param><​param name="​allowscriptaccess"​ value="​always"></​param></​object> ​\\ Simple video showing a mercury type tilt sensor+{{ youtube>MVOzUXgNSzM }} 
 +\\ A simple video showing an LED being turned on by the tilt switch. 
 +{{ youtube>SRgHHu1TmWk ​}} 
 +\\ Simple video showing a mercury type tilt sensor
-<object width="​425"​ height="​344"​><param name="​movie"​ value="​http://​​v/​OkWQN1H5j5c&​hl=en&​fs=1&"></​param><​param name="​allowFullScreen"​ value="​true"></​param><​param name="​allowscriptaccess"​ value="​always"></​param>></​object> ​\\ Another basic video, this one shows a tilt sensor connected to an Arduino which then controls a servo  ​+{{ youtube>​OkWQN1H5j5c ​}} 
 +\\ Another basic video, this one shows a tilt sensor connected to an Arduino which then controls a servo  ​
 [[http://​​onoff.html|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​lexonclock.jpg?​nolink&​532x400 ​ |}}]] \\ [[http://​​onoff.html|This clock uses a tilt sensor to set the alarm. To snooze, tilt it over.]] [[http://​​onoff.html|{{ ​ http://​​images/​sensors/​lexonclock.jpg?​nolink&​532x400 ​ |}}]] \\ [[http://​​onoff.html|This clock uses a tilt sensor to set the alarm. To snooze, tilt it over.]]
Line 65: Line 72:
-<object width="​425"​ height="​344"​><param name="​movie"​ value="​http://​​v/​kazHFsGK3tc&​color1=0xb1b1b1&​color2=0xcfcfcf&​hl=en&​feature=player_embedded&​fs=1"></​param><​param name="​allowFullScreen"​ value="​true"></​param><​param name="​allowScriptAccess"​ value="​always"></​param></​object> ​\\ This project uses an accelerometer,​ but a simple game controller could be made with tilt switches+{{ youtube>​kazHFsGK3tc ​}} 
 +\\ This project uses an accelerometer,​ but a simple game controller could be made with tilt switches
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/attic/tutorials/learn/sensors/tilt.html.1286480339.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)