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chumbyhackerboard:wifi [2010/09/20 18:19]
chumbyhackerboard:wifi [2016/01/28 18:05]
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-====== Dongly ====== 
-The Chumby hacker board does not have Wireless capability built in, but its very easy to add! The best dongle to use is the [[http://​​index.php?​main_page=product_info&​cPath=47&​products_id=283|TP-LINK TL-WN321G (or any other RT73-based dongle)]] which has drivers ready to go. Note that many dongles probably won't work - if you have one kicking around you can try it but don't be surprised when it is not recognized! 
-<if you know of an adapter that does/​doesn'​t work, you should post it here> 
-====== Connecting to your WiFi network ====== 
-Plug in the dongle 
-Run **iwconfig wlan0 scan** to list all the local networks 
-Find your network, we'll connect to **adafruit** (not listed here, just substitute your own connection name) 
-Configure the wlan adapter (we'll be using WEP here, WPA is more complex) 
-  * Set the WiFi password with **iwconfig wlan0 enc XXXXXXXXXX** where XXXXXXXXXX is your 10 digit hexadecimal WEP password (ps. our password isnt really DEADBEEF00) 
-  * Set the channel to match the one in the **iwlist** output with **iwconfig wlan0 channel NN** 
-  * Set the network you want to connect to with **iwconfig wlan0 essid adafruit** where **adafruit** is substituted with your network name 
-You should get a **[ 1932.400000] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE):​ wlan0: link becomes ready** response from the kernel 
-====== Start DHCP ====== 
-DHCP will let you get your IP, route and DNS right from the router 
-You'll need to remount root so that dhclient can edit it 
-Start up the **wlan0** connection 
-Then run **dhclient wlan0** (the image doesnt show the **wlan0** because I had already run dhclient to do this tutorial, make sure to stick the **wlan0** part on!) 
-You should be able to ping! 
-====== Set up IP & DNS ====== 
-Say you don't have DHCP or don't want to use DHCP for some reason. 
-Pick an IP address, and **ifconfig wlan0 <​ipaddress>​ up** to give yourself an IP address 
-Don't forget to add a default route, through your router 
-If you want DNS you'll have to remount the root directory **rw** and edit **/​etc/​resolv.conf** 
-If you need to, set up your **resolv.conf** so that you have one or two DNS servers in there 
-When you're done, be tidy and remount / as read only, k? 
/home/ladyada/public_html/wiki/data/pages/chumbyhackerboard/wifi.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/28 18:05 (external edit)