====== Stashing inventory ====== This mod will let you 'save' 3 (or whatever #) pieces of inventory of each item. So if the true inventory is 50 pieces, the store will act like there is only 47. This will let you keep a stash around in case you need extras to replace customer's damaged or lost packages, or if your inventory is off by a few pieces. For example, we have 83 Mintyboosts in stock: {{:zencartmods:trueinventory.gif|}} But the cart displays only 80: {{:zencartmods:stashedinventory.gif|}} ===== New Files ===== We'll be using the same file as the "Show IN STOCK over 100 quantity" mod above ===== Change Settings ===== Change the same settings as the "Show IN STOCK over 100 quantity" mod above ===== Code changes ===== Files changed: **/includes/functions/functions_lookups.php \\ /includes/functions/functions_general.php \\ /includes/modules/product_listing.php \\ /includes/modules/pages/product_info/main_template_vars.php** in **/includes/functions/functions_lookups.php** find (line 172) return $stock_values->fields['products_quantity']; and replace it with return $stock_values->fields['products_quantity'] - STOCK_OFFSET; in **/includes/functions/functions_general.php** find (line 130) $button_check = $db->Execute("select product_is_call, products_quantity from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'"); and add a line below it so that it is looks like: $button_check = $db->Execute("select product_is_call, products_quantity from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "'"); $button_check->fields['products_quantity'] = zen_get_products_stock($product_id); in **/includes/modules/product_info.php** find (line 77) while (!$listing->EOF) { $rows++; and replace with while (!$listing->EOF) { $rows++; $listing->fields['products_quantity'] = zen_get_products_stock($listing->fields['products_id']); in **/includes/modules/pages/product_info/main_template_vars.php** find (line 115) $products_quantity = $product_info->fields['products_quantity']; and replace it with // Stock Offset Mod $products_quantity = zen_get_products_stock($product_id);