==== Just for Fun - Dot chart orders ==== {{:tutorials:zencartmods:dot.png?|}} A while back I was bored and wanted to take a look at the [[http://g.raphaeljs.com/| gRaphael]] JS library, so I made a quick dot chart of our order totals by day of the week. Here it is! {{:tutorials:zencartmods:dotchart.php.zip|}} You'll need to download both the [[https://raw.github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/g.raphael/master/g.raphael-min.js|gRaphael library]] and the [[https://github.com/DmitryBaranovskiy/g.raphael/blob/master/g.dot.js|dot graph library]] both from [[http://g.raphaeljs.com/| the graphael website]] and place them in the **admin/includes/javascript** directory. Our file uses the non-minified version of the dot library, use the minified version if you want to save bandwidth. Then just upload this file to your zencart **admin** directory and navigate to it! Dot charts are a great way to try and look for visual patterns you may miss otherwise.