==== Commercial Invoices ====
Once you've done the [[tariff.html|Tariff Mod]], you'll be able to generate an international customs form as well.
If you add the customs form to the end of admin/invoice.php, then it will print out nicely every time you print the invoice.
[[http://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-2634/Special-Use-Packing-List-Envelopes/5-1-2-x-10-Red-Customs-Papers-Enclosed-Packing-List-Envelopes|We like to stick them on the outside of the box in an customs envelope from ULINE]]
**in admin/invoice.php**
find (end of file)
and replace it with
fields['delivery_country'] != "United States") { // change this to your own country
note that the
just makes it print on a separate page, if you'd like to save trees then this can be taken out.
== Sample ==
Here's an example of what ours looks like.
You should be able to mix and match between this mod, the [[barcodeinv.html|barcode mod]], and the [[addrmismatchinv.html|address mismatch mod]].