==== Introduction ==== If you're doing SMT, you're doing rework and anything that makes rework suck less is a big win. We use hot air for reworking some SMT parts but if you have leaded parts, especially big ones, hot air can take a really long time. If you want fast component removal/reworking we suggest getting a hot tweezer jig! [[http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezers.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezers_t.jpg?nolink&500x325 |}}]] The [[http://www.ladyada.net///metcaliron.html|MX500 soldering station]] is particularly good for hot tweezing, it has two ports on the front. One connects to the iron and the other we connect to a hot tweezer. You can switch out tips just like with the soldering wand. [[http://www.okinternational.com/product_soldering/mxPTZ|The system is called MX-PTZ]] and you can check out Metcal's page for all the various tips you can get for reworking different-sized parts [[http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezeclosed.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezeclosed_t.jpg?nolink&500x332 |}}]] ==== Removing an SOIC ==== Our favorite use for tweezers is to remove or rework SOIC and such. These are big chips, hard to heat up evenly and quickly but the large **PTTC-x06** or **PTTC-x07 **cartridges make em easy! For example, I want to remove this 14-SOIC chip: [[http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezevictim.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezevictim_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}}]] Simply wait for the tweezers to heat up, then grab both sides of the SOIC {{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezesoic_t.jpg?nolink&500x385 |}} and voila! The chip comes off easily, cleanly and without affecting the rest of the circuit. [[http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezed.jpg|{{ http://www.ladyada.net/images/smt/tweezed_t.jpg?nolink&500x372 |}}]]